Sunday, May 7, 2017

End of module self evaluation.

I spent a lot of time trying to develop my skills this year and i'm glad that I did. I chose 3 ares to try and improve in; after effects, screen printing and ceramics. Because of this i think that i have created a solid foundation to develop a lot more skills. Having forced myself to create projects in after effects, i I now feel really confident using after effects and would feel comfortable undertaking a project in after effects. I also feel a lot more confident in the screen printing department, as i now have a knowledge of fabric screen printing and the process when it comes to curing the ink etc. Within ceramics, i have spent a lot of time problem solving for the trophy brief and i feel that i now have a varied knowledge of slip casting and press moulding and the way ceramics works in general. I've also really enjoyed engaging more with the art community and overall just expanding my practice. I've also been fortunate enough to start getting graphic design work which im excited to continue over summer. Taking on jobs that i wouldn't have been able to do at the start of the year. If i could so one thing differently it would be to blog more ongoing as there are so many things that ive done that i know ive forgotten about.

I was really dreading getting in touch with industry professionals because i feel quite socially anxious about approaching people and i dont want to pester them, however i think the way in which i went about the interview worked really well both for me and for the guy i was interviewing. Because it was conducted over Instagram, i feel like we were both relaxed as we knew it was an informal setting. There was no pressure on either side to be overtly professional and i think that allowed Robert to feel more at ease answering my questions.

Overall im really please with ppp this year and im excited to continue it.

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